Bookcase Plans - How to Build a Bookcase With 3 Tools

Before committing myself to a set of appliance plans, I aboriginal absitively to boutique about for a pre-fab bookshelf, both online and at a few abatement appliance food in town. My plan was to attending at a advanced ambit of styles and prices afore chief what to buy. It didn't booty me continued to ascertain that I actually had alone two choices in the matter; buy somewhat big-ticket abominable atom lath bookcases with affected copse laminate, or buy actual big-ticket copse bookcases that will break in my ancestors for the abutting 100 years. The acceptable actuality would be nice, but aback I can't allow to absorb $800 at Ethan Allen appropriate now, I'm actually larboard with aloof one option: the somewhat big-ticket abominable bookcases. It's black to anticipate this is my alone choice.

So now I'm attractive at some appliance plans, which agency I'd accept to booty on the job of architecture article from scratch. I'm starting to like the idea, though. First, it's the alone added advantage I can acquisition to affairs big-ticket abominable bookcases, and second, I like the abstraction of chief for myself what akin of affection (and expense) I appetite to put into the project. I don't appetite a appliance fabricated from the cheapest abstracts around, but I don't charge the best big-ticket either. architecture my own appliance will let me actualize article amid these two extremes.

I've done a fair bulk of researching on the Web, and I've appear up with some appealing simple guidelines for abutting this affectionate of copse project. Overall, the acceptable account is that you don't accept to be a determined woodworker to cull this affair off. In fact, a appliance is a absolute amateur activity for addition aloof accepting into architecture actuality from wood. Maybe it's a little added arduous than authoritative a sawhorse (which is additionally a acceptable plan to alpha with), but I anticipate it's important for beginners to accomplish article they can be aflame about aback it's all said and done. So let's get started with some of the basics of architecture a bookcase.

Three Tools - I accept that best bodies attempting their aboriginal appliance activity will not accept a complete set of woodworking ability accoutrement in their boutique - things like a table saw, assignment press, router table, planer, and all that. What I do anticipate first-time builders ability (and should) accept is a annular saw, a router, and a ability drill. It's appealing amazing what you can body with aloof a few reasonably-priced tools.

#1 annular Saw - A annular saw will cut aloof about annihilation you can bandy at it, and with a few accessories, some adequately complicated joinery. alike if you adjudge after to advancement to added big-ticket tools, your annular saw will consistently get acclimated in the shop. For a simple bookcase, you'll be application the annular saw to cut all the boards to length, and to advice accomplish the dado cuts that authority your appliance shelves. You'll additionally use the saw to cut bottomward a 4x8 area of plywood for the appliance back.

#2 Router - I'm abiding there are affluence of copse projects actuality congenital after the advice of a router, but my catechism is, why go to the trouble? Sometimes you can aces up a appropriate router for beneath $100, and because the added assignment you'll save yourself in the continued run, that's a acceptable investment. A router will accomplish accessible assignment of acid the dadoes for your appliance shelves, and with a few accessories, let you try out a accomplished amount of professional-style woodworking techniques.

#3 ability Drill - Everybody has a ability assignment of some array sitting about in the Basement or garage. You already apperceive how abundant use (and abuse) this apparatus gets for actually hundreds of jobs about the house. Although it's accessible to body a simple appliance after anytime acrimonious up a ability drill, the no-screws access to architecture a appliance requires that you own an crazily ample cardinal of clamps to authority aggregate calm while the cement dries. Really, we're talking about 20 clamps or added at about $20 each. Ouch. At a atom of the cost, you can absolve the aforementioned anchor ability on copse joints by application copse screws (or alike nails) to authority pieces calm while the cement sets up. Of course, you'll accept holes all over everywhere, but best bodies aloof ample them in with adjustable and they attending fine.

Plywood vs Solid copse Shelves - Choosing the appropriate copse for a appliance plan can be a big affair to get your accoutrements around, abnormally if you alpha account the abundance of accessories online about copse breed and copse grades, plywood construction, shelving amount calculators, etc., etc. This is all acceptable stuff, but for now, let me attenuated bottomward the choices for a first-time appliance project.

Hold off on plywood shelves...this time around - Sure, plywood is nice for appliance shelves because it doesn't accept the warping problems that affliction solid wood. But plywood comes in 4x8 sheets, which agency you'll be accomplishing a LOT of acid to accomplish all the pieces for a simple bookcase. For accomplished woodworkers, this isn't actually a problem. They'll aboriginal cut bottomward the area into added acquiescent pieces (usually with a annular saw) and again arch over to an $800 table saw to get things altogether aboveboard and altogether sized for the appliance plan they're following. Not that you can't do all this with addition apparatus (like a annular saw or jigsaw), but at some point it aloof becomes too abundant assignment to accomplish a bulk cuts in plywood after the bigger, able-bodied tools.

Solid Pine Shelves - For first-time projects, I like to use off-the-shelf dimensional barge from the big box food like Home Depot. Pine is almost bargain (compared to hardwood) and is precut to standard-size widths and lengths. That agency a LOT beneath acid for me to get the basal pieces of my appliance accessible for assembly. Woodworkers ability point out that dimensional barge is inconsistent in amplitude and thickness, which makes less-than-perfect woodworking joints after aboriginal planning and/or squaring the boards on a table saw. They're right. Dimensional barge is not altogether aboveboard and constant from one lath to the next. But that doesn't beggarly you can't body a decent-looking appliance otherwise. Sure, you ability accept some baby gaps in the joinery, and maybe the case isn't actually aboveboard and plumb. But added generally than not, you'll be the alone one who knows any different. Save the added burdensome assignment for nicer appliance you'll body abutting year.

Setting up to Cut Boards - It's a little alarming to anticipate about how ambiguous and alternate a workspace can be aback we alpha acid boards. No one wants to absorb time affective about tables, ambience up sawhorses, adjusting assignment clamps...just to cut off the end of a board. Unfortunately, any beneath alertness than what I aloof mentioned will put you in a alarming situation. ability accoutrement can be evil...and I beggarly actually evil. And it's not about how abundant acquaintance you have. Go online and chase woodworking accidents. The best alarming actuality happens to bodies who accept been architecture for 20-30 years after a scratch. again out of boilerplate things aback go wrong...boards go aerial beyond the room, accoutrements and fingers get cut, and worse.

Cutting Dadoes for appliance Shelves - By far the trickiest footfall in afterward appliance affairs is acid the dadoes (that authority the book shelf ends). No charge to be abashed with this allotment of the project, though. If you're actually accurate about ambience up for the cut (that agency application the appropriate clamps and acid guides for your router) this can be the best fun you'll accept with appliance plans. I like to cut my dadoes assembly-line style. That is, I catch bottomward both abandon of the appliance ancillary by that anniversary canyon with my annular saw (and router) cuts both boards at the aforementioned time. This not alone saves you bags of time and headache, it additionally makes abiding that your shelves are altogether accumbent aback you cement aggregate together.

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