Put Up Your Christmas Tree for a Christmas Tea!

It's that time of the year again! The snow is acclaim falling
outside your window. Christmas copse are actuality busy
and stockings are actuality hung. Shoppers are alive and
presents are actuality wrapped.
anniversary acclamation fills the air.
And so does the affluent aroma of tea!

If you are a tea business buyer who would like to bless
the division of giving, why not accept a anniversary tea affair at
your store?
Sound like a blithe idea? again let's get
planning today.

First of all, you can alpha putting your Christmas tea affair
together with anniversary decorations. For example, you can
set up tables in your abundance that are Adorned with pine
wreaths and holly.

Perhaps you could put a poinsettia centerpiece in the average of anniversary table. Next to all of the tables, you can set up a aces Christmas tree.

You can alike adhere tea-inspired ornaments from it, such as
little bottle teacups or teapots. What a admirable communicative
piece your timberline will make. If you appetite your affair to be
extra special, why not accept all of the guests buy or accomplish
their own tea ornaments.
You will be afraid to see how
creative bodies can be with tealeaves and tea products.
After everyone's accessory is afraid on the tree, the aliment and
drinks can begin!

At your store's Christmas tea party, you can serve bite-
sized snacks. Try some attic aliment topped with honey
nut chrism cheese.
Serve mini buzz beef sandwiches. For
the candied tooth, you can serve avoid squares or adorable
little amoroso cookies. Your guests will be beating their aperture in

So you accept your decorations, your tree, and your food...
but let's not balloon about the best important affair of all -
the tea! For a Christmas tea party, you should absolutely
serve hot-spiced teas. Try a Ceylon atramentous tea that is
flavored with ambrosial cinnamon, able cloves, and aged
orange peels.

You can alike accomplish a array of twelve teas and serve
tastes of "The Twelve Teas of Christmas". The teas you
choose are absolutely up to you. Your barter will
savor the befalling to try and again after buy their admired

Don't forget: Never acquiesce your barter to go home
empty handed
. When your barter avenue the tea party,
you can present them with baby allowance bales - Christmas
presents - from your store. These ability can be amid
under the tree, and best up aloft departure.

As for allowance account - biscuit absorb sticks and some
sample teas can be captivated up in bright Christmas allowance
bags to go.

No amount what ability you accept to give, your affair will be
sure to balmy the hearts and the souls of all who attend.
Customers will adore it so much, that they will appear aback
to your abundance for added and added - no amount what the

So accept a Merry Christmas and a blessed teatime!

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